Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 9 - Plyometrics

Day 9 - Plyometrics
Today's weight: 196.2
Today's body fat %: 20.5%

Today's workout seemed really intense - moreso than I remembered it last time. I was dripping sweat by the end. I think I'm getting more flexible and conditioned which means I can do more and work harder which means I end up more tired. That's my theory anyway. Victoria's brother Taylor came over to workout, too.

Foodwise, I was a little rushed all day and had to improvise a little. Oatmeal again with protein powder for breakfast. Protein bar for snack and then a whole one for lunch. String cheese snack. After work, I worked out, went to trivia, and then went to my comedy show. I didn't really have time to make a dinner at home on par with what I've been eating. I successfully resisted bad Mexican food at trivia only drinking a diet soda and not even having any chips. However, for dinner, I had to compromise and find something fast food that would be suitable. I went to Subway and got a 6'' melt with the lowest fat chips they offer @ only 75 calories a bag. The melt isn't the BEST sandwich you can get, but it's not the worst either weighing in @ 380 calories. In total, I probably only took in 1500 calories, so I'm not going to complain.

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