Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 1 - Arms and Chest

Day 1 - Arms and Chest
Today's weight: 197.6
Today's body fat %: 21%

Yesterday, on Monday 05/02/2011, I started P90x. This is a popular fitness program, but not for everyone. In 2007, I lost a lot of weight dropping from 244.4 pounds to 188 pounds in one year. I ended up getting down as low as 183, but I had to work REALLY hard to keep it that low and ended up letting my body settle around 195 long term where I was working out a reasonable amount and eating a reasonable amount of junk food. I chose P90x mainly because I think it is one of the best options to help me get my body ultimately where I would like to have it. My main focus in 2007 was simply losing weight. After you lose the weight, I think MOST people have one of two paths they would like to take: get ripped (think Calvin Klein underwear models) or bulk up (think Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson). I personally would prefer to get ripped. Another reason I decided to try P90x is because my brother used it and had success as well.

I looked over the food and exercise plan. I hope to stick with both, however, I do think I'll have to tweak the food plan a bit. The meals in P90x are very detailed and specific. They include recipes for a wide variety of foods. Fortunately, I was able to get my girlfriend on board to eat these meals with me. It'll be difficult enough on its own but even more so if the person you spend the most time with is eating junk-food. The big drawback to completely following the meal plan is that it requires a LOT of cooking. I've decided I'm going to follow the dinner plan and the before and after lunch snacks. But, for breakfast, I'm going to stick with my oatmeal. For lunch, I'm going to stick with my veggie burgers. Sure, there would probably be some added benefit to get the nutrients and VARIETY advocated by P90x, but I just don't feel like there's enough benefit to justify all that extra work. Because I love sleep, I give myself no time to make breakfast at home. Because I'm at work, I want something easy to pack and make at work.

Also, P90x has no cheat meals and I think that's pretty extreme. I'm going to have one cheat meal and one cheat dessert per week.

My official weigh-in weight was 197.6 with 21% body-fat and my weight after my first workout was 197.8 with 19% body fat.

The workout was arms and chest and pretty intense. Those guys LOVE doing pushups and pullups and by the end I was close to failure. But, I was able to get through it and not feel defeated.

Today, Day 2, I need to follow-up and do two things I should have already done: take some before pictures and take the fitness test.

Below are some pictures of the food I bought and ate:

Salmon, Wild Rice, and Asparagus

Protein Powder - lots of protein, low carbs and fat

My favorite prepackaged, canned protein drink

These are a little higher in fat than I'd prefer, but taste good and lots of protein.

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