Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 17 - Arms and Shoulders

Day 17 - Arms and Shoulders
Today's weight: 195.4
Today's body fat %: 20%

Nice back bounce on the scales. Some good eating with some light eating with some exercise does the body good. Another thought to keep in mind is 195 is a plateau region for me. My body doesn't want to weigh much more or less than this and I have to be extreme to get myself out of that zone.

Arms and shoulders again today. I really like this workout till the end and he makes me get in a seated position and curl from my knees. It's uncomfortable and difficult by itself but moreso because I've been working out close to 40 minutes or so by then.

Day 16 - Plyometrics MISSED

Day 16 - Plyometrics MISSED
Today's weight: 196.6
Today's body fat %: 20.5%

My work schedule already cost me and I missed my first workout since I started. I couldn't work out in the morning because I had to go to Lebanon to pick-up a poker table I won on Ebay. The workday wore me down and I wanted to go out when I got home instead of work-out thinking I'd make it up at night, but I was too tired to do that.

I had another uptick on the scale. I took it easy on food quantities today to make up for it: cereal for breakfast, veggie burger for lunch, and oatmeal for dinner. Weight will be lost ... mark my words, weight will be lost.

Day 15 - Arms and Chest

Day 15 - Arms and Chest
Today's weight: 196
Today's body fat %: 20%

My work schedule is all jacked up this week. I have to go in late and work late plus I have errands I need to try to work in before work that I would normally do after work. Today was Arms and Chest and the "Diamond Pushups" are still really tough and I don't foresee a day when the won't be. We had chicken for dinner. It's been a tasty, reliable staple for us.

Day 14 - REST

Day 14 - REST
Today's weight: 195.4
Today's body fat %: 19%

Today was a welcome day off plus a cheat day on the dinner plate. We had a belated Mother's Day celebration at the BlackHorse Brewery and Victoria and I had the same meal as last week: Heart Attack (meat lover's pizza) with Beer Chips and Cheese. The pizza was a medium: 4 slices each.

Day 13 - Kenpo

Day 13 - Kenpo
Today's weight: 195.2
Today's body fat %: 18%

I'm behind on my blog, but I do have entries for each day. The next 5 entries are all coming from memory, though.

Today was a good day on the scale and the best body fat % I can remember getting in a while.

My brother came over to do Kenpo with me. He said he'd like to workout with me every day, but our schedules don't really line-up on the other days to make it feasible. We were both sweating pretty good. It's a fun workout that continues to test my coordination with the combination of punches. It starts out with jabs then adds hooks and then uppercuts and puts them together in a flurry of quick combinations. It's not rocket science, but it does take some getting used to.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 12 - Legs and Back

Day 12 - Legs and Back
Today's weight: 195.4
Today's body fat %: 18%

After having a bad day on the scale yesterday, I was pleased to see a positive bounce back with my lowest weigh-in and lowest body fat % in this short 12 day journey thus far. When I was losing weight back in 2007 to 2008, I LOVED going out and really working out hard and eating evern better and light er than normal the next day to reverse the trend. I treat it like a battle against these evil forces trying to keep you from having the body you're searching for. I take it personally.

Another round of Legs and Back. It's still really tough during the last fifteen minutes. The wall squats REALLY sting. I haven't had to do those since middle school and they burn. But, overall, it's still one of the more "fun" workouts for me.

Here's a few photos of my workout space. Girlfriend and puppy not included :)

Day 11 - CARDIO

Day 11 - CARDIO
Today's weight: 197.4
Today's body fat %: 20%

I was a little disappointed to see my weight spike up so high this morning. It could be due to a lot of factors unrelated to my effort, so it prompted me to create another account at PhysicsDiet dot com to track my weight. That site has a nice feature that keeps up with your average weight so if you have an off day on the scales, like I did, it helps you keep it in perspective. According to THAT site, I've lost half a pound versus today which would only be 0.2 pounds taken in a vacuum. It doesn't sound like a big difference, but from my experience, it does make a difference to see that your weight loss trend is actually going DOWN on days when it looks like it may be going up or breakeven.

As you can guess from the Title, I've also decided I'm scrapping Yoga for Cardio - more to the point, running. For starters, I miss getting outside and running. Next, in the past, I've had my best weight loss days after a good, intense running workout and what better day to get that than after a bad morning on the scales? I ran three miles @ a 9:30 minute mile pace and it felt the best it's felt this year. I wasn't fatigued nearly as early as I had been and I finished stronger than I have been.

I went light on dinner just having some chicken and a protein shake. My meals before dinner were standard.